Single Sign-On (SSO) is a security technology that makes the system more secure and convenient for users by providing access to several applications with a single sign-in. It lessens password fatigue, minimizes credential-based attacks, and eases identity management. Organizations achieve quicker onboarding, better regulatory compliance, and less IT burden in password reset. But SSO can also bring security risks if one compromised account provides access to many systems. To counteract risks, companies must have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), strict access controls, and continuous monitoring in place to catch and prevent unauthorized access attempts.
  • 3 المنشورات
  • 2 الصور
  • 0 الفيديوهات
  • Sso لدى Sso
  • يعيش في Sso
  • من Sso
  • درس Sso لدى Sso
    فئة من Sso
  • أعزب
  • 06/05/2000
  • متابَع بواسطة 0 أشخاص
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